This disclosure must include the name of the holding institution, the location of the holding, and the sum of the holding. Security Deposit Holdings ( required for some) -If a New York landlord asks for a security deposit, they must provide a written disclosure of how those security deposit funds will be kept while the tenant is renting the property.Operative Fire Sprinkler System Notice (required for all) – All New York lease agreements must include a notice written in bold-face font that outlines whether there are operational fire sprinklers in the property, and if so, the maintenance history to protect the unit and surrounding property if a fire occurs and protect the landlord from damages resulting from a faulty fire sprinkler system.It outlines New York property rules and procedures and incorporates details such as signage, shared common areas, and subletting policies.

There are additional instructions for both the tenant and landlord.

Section B is the Tenants response to the landlord and indicates if they accept or decline the landlords offer. The form has two sections, Section A indicates the landlord’s offer to the tenant to renew and additionally outlines the price of the rental unit and any additional costs and fees.